董事长,杨博士,吉林大学化学学院高分子化学与物理专业理学博士、中国科学院长春应用化学研究所博士后、宾夕法利亚大学访问学者、美国Drexel 大学博士后和加拿大Carleton 大学博士后。在美国杜邦、美国海军实验室传感器研究与发展所、美国高等涂料公司等企业任高级化学家、技术总监等岗位工作二十多年,曾荣获美国专利认可奖及传感器项目美国布什总统奖。2015年初以国家特聘专家身份归国后,曾在北京航空航天大学任特聘讲席教授、博士生导师,现在吉林大学及吉林化工学院研究生兼职导师,西安交通大学、北京科技大学和西安科技大学博士生兼职导师,多个国际刊物邀约审稿人,国家新材料产业发展战略咨询委员会委员和国际玄武岩纤维及复合材料协会理事, 多个企业股东或技术顾问,多个校企产学研项目负责人等。研发团队有多位国家高层次专家教授,多位*********人才如杰青、优青和跨世纪人才。每年招聘10位博士研究生和20多位硕士研究生。
Dr. Yang, chairman of the board, is a doctor of science in polymer chemistry and physics at the school of chemistry of Jilin university, a postdoctoral fellow at Changchun institute of applied chemistry, Chinese academy of sciences, a visiting scholar at the University of Pennsylvania, a postdoctoral fellow at Drexel university in the United States and Carleton university in Canada. He has worked as a Senior chemist and technical director in DuPont, the sensor research and development corporation of the U.S. naval laboratory, the U.S. Advance coatings company and other enterprises for more than 20 years, and has won the U.S. patent recognition award and the U.S. President Bush award for bio-chemical sensor project. After returning to China as a national distinguished expert in early 2015, he served as a distinguished chair professor and doctoral supervisor at Beijing university of aeronautics and astronautics. Now he is a part-time tutor for graduates of Jilin university and Jilin institute of chemical technology, a part-time tutor for doctoral students of Xi'an Jiao tong university, Beijing university of science and technology and Xi'an university of science and technology, invited reviewers of several international journals, member of the national new material industry development strategy advisory committee, director of the international basalt fiber and composite association, multiple enterprise shareholders or technical consultants, and the heads of several university- enterprise consortiums. The R & D team has many national high-level experts and professors and many national talents, such as outstanding youth, excellent youth and cross century talents. It recruits 10 doctoral students and more than 20 master's students every year.
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